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Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan

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Results of open bidding for borrowing interest rates

Date: January 10, 2019

The results of the open bidding for DICJ’s borrowing interest rates on January 10, 2019 are as follows:

- Financial Revitalization Account with government guarantee

1. Total amount of bids ¥337.1 billion (bid-to-cover ratio 7.49)
2. Amount of successful bids ¥45.0 billion  
3. Average interest rate of successful bids 0.000% p.a.  
4. Highest interest rate of successful bids 0.000% p.a.  
5. Apportionment of successful bids at the highestinterest 15.511%  


1. Term: January 22, 2019 –January 16, 2020 (12 months)
2. Offer amount: \45.0 billion


Date of bid Account Government guarantee Date of borrowing Repayment date Term Amount of bid
Bids tendered
Bid-to-cover ratio Successful bids
Average interest rate of successful bids (%)
01/10/18 Revitalization Yes 01/22/18 01/22/19 12 months 59.0 468.7 7.94 59.0 0.000
05/29/18 Revitalization Yes 06/08/18 06/07/19 12 months 80.0 626.0 7.83 80.0 0.000
07/25/18 Financial Functions Strengthening Yes 08/02/18 08/02/19 12 months 56.0 560.5 10.01 56.0 0.000
10/31/18 Revitalization Yes 11/09/18 10/11/19 11 months 42.0 352.5 8.39 42.0 0.000
11/12/18 Financial Functions Strengthening Yes 11/22/18 8/2/19 9 months 68.0 568.1 8.35 68.0 0.000
1/10/19 Revitalization Yes 1/22/19 1/16/20 12 months 45.0 337.1 7.49 45.0 0.000

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